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"Why are we here?" the leader of a large company asked me at the start of a meeting (when the answer could not have been more clear to anyone who actually read my complaint brief).
Midway through the meeting the same person said, "That's not how (we do) business," but those words proved disingenuous as well because the evidence shows that is exactly how they do business.

Click to download high resolution poster.
Without backstory, igotscrewed may appear an odd bird, but we are here because I believe good people should not be unfairly punished for respectfully standing up for themselves and speaking the truth in their defence. And to create a positive Web portal to share life's universal hard lessons learned and tips about how to avoid making the biggest mistakes in business.
Some people may not understand the Why Factor, the Good Fight, wisdom or quotations until they’ve either lived long enough, or walked in the shoes of someone who’s been seriously screwed over in an unfair work environment. And this resource is for them.
My own troubles with formerly-trusted business associates provided me this voice and motivation so honest hard-working nice people may benefit and learn from my real-world negative experiences and hopefully get over getting screwed.
FREE HIGH-RESOLUTION CHARACTER QUOTES: 1) Original 2,800 wide poster.
My best top ten greatest lessons I’ve learned the hard way about doing business:
#1: When you catch someone stealing from you red handed, you are sure to be the Bad Guy for daring to respectfully ask him or her for an explanation.
2) Any contract is only as good as the people or organization behind it, so choose your associates wisely or you are practically guaranteed to have problems later when someone wakes up one day and decides he doesn’t like the contract because he will surely try to weasel out of it.
3) Putting unqualified, unprofessional friends in management positions is very risky business they are bound to make serious mistakes on the job that can adversely affect working people's lives and make a company and its officers appear dishonest if they don't address them in reasonable good faith.
The TRUTH, the FACTS are offensive to these people because it holds a MIRROR to their face and they don't like who they see looking back.
But in reality, who wouldn't want an effective charismatic leader of low moral character to do the people's dirty work while they look the other way and receive unjust enrichment? History, relationships, governments and the business world are full of such amoral characters and cheating scenarios.
While my words may not be very nice, I believe they are spot on. And a few blunt words of truth are nothing compared to how mean-spirited, unlawful or negligent actions of a perpetrator can continue damaging someone's family financially and emotionally long after everyone else has moved on and forgotten all about it.
Besides, bullies, cheaters and thieves just crap on "nice" anyway.