"Models of Healing for Indigenous Survivors of Inter–Generational Trauma" Conference

Models of Healing for Indigenous Survivors of Inter-Generational Trauma Conference, hosted by D-Q University at Sycuan (now Kumeyaay Community College), Sycuan Inter-Tribal Vocational Rehabilitation SITVR, the Sycuan Band of the Kumeyaay Nation, Native American Indians, and took place on April 15 - 18, 2003, on the Sycuan Indian Reservation.

Ceremonial opening Kumeyaay and Yuman bird singing, excerpts of keynote speakers Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., and Larry Banegas, Kumeyaay, Barona.

Play Time:4 minutes

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(This is a 28MB .mov file!)
QuickTime 6 required

For Windows PC or Mac.

Cut Camera, Sony PD150
Sennheiser wireless sound

Final Cut Pro editing software
Movie by Gary G. Ballard, San Diego

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