PROFESSIONAL Photography, Writing, Graphic Design and Publishing Services in San Diego Studio Adobe Photoshop ® Multimedia Producer DP & Editor Webmaster Creative & Technical Consultant
GARY G. BALLARD is an experienced San Diego-based professional commercial photographer who specializes in creating informative and interesting ORIGINAL CREATIVE CONTENT, and building and networking top websites through mutual key words.

"I have a lot of tricks in my bag with over 20-years photography, writing, design experience and the natural instincts to produce top quality original work."
- -Gary Ballard
San Diego professional photographer Gary G. Ballard has more than 20 years daily work experience directing many different types of people for photo shoots in corporate, fashion, casino, firefighting environments.
G. BALLARD Studio specializes in "people photography," including fine executive portraiture, environmental portraits, and lifestyle photography.
G. BALLARD is a well-known expert commercial-grade Photoshop® designer, graphic artist and work-flow consultant for professional color management, pre-press, Internet publishing, and large-format inkjet desktop publishing professionals.
Gary Ballard technically understands the the nuts and bolts of digital imaging, and he consistently produces meaningful top-quality work on both technical and creative levels.
Mass Communication Specialist

"As a writer and storyteller, I strive to write the simple words that turn the pictures in the minds of common folk (like me)."
- -Gary Ballard
A Syracuse University photojournalism major, GARY BALLARD has written hundreds of feature articles for national and worldwide release, and he's produced thousands of Web pages to hone his successful writing and multi-media style.
Gary's natural writing style is the "personality feature," but he also enjoys the challenge of telling a good story and seeing his key words consistently hit top 10 on the best search engines like Google and Yahoo.
It is proper writing formats that bring high Google, Bing and Yahoo .com traffic to your door. If people aren't finding your information on the World Wide Web, it is probably because is not formatted effectively and there are no important websites linking to it.
And if your visitors aren't sticking around and reading your content, then you may need to bring up your presentation a few creative notches to make it stand out and be noticed.
If you found my site(s) on GOOGLE, BING or YAHOO and you are still here looking around that is my point.
Please see some G. BALLARD SITE STATISTICS for two of his premiere G. BALLARD Web sites.

Gary G. Ballard started his photography training in the US Navy as a motion-picture trained combat photographer, an air crewman qualified to fly in military attack jets and helicopters.
If your multimedia project calls for basic video production, digital editing, video for Web publishing or finished DVD movies, please see DVD authoring REELS portfolio.
SONY equipment,
Sennheiser wireless miked sound, digital nonlinear video editing, Final Cut Studio work stations using Final Cut Pro, Compressor, DVD Studio Pro, QuickTime software.

"I am probably most grateful for what I have been able learn about website publishing because it has allowed me to showcase my creative work to the world."
- -Gary G. Ballard
Please see the G. BALLARD Portfolios