Adobe and Photoshop are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
Probably some 99 percent of professional photographs these days are prepared in Adobe® Photoshop® and Lightroom® whether the images are being retouched for commercial advertising or simply being color balanced and cropped for Internet or print publication.
Every image and graphic you see on my professional websites were produced inside of an Adobe Creative Suite application and processed in Photoshop on a Mac computer.
HOPEFULLY MY COLORS LOOK FANTASTIC on your monitor, and my original creative content and designs are piquing your interest to hire my American professional Photoshop services out of San Diego, California, USA.
 BEST SAN DIEGO WEBSITES Branding Logos Designing Services.

"Beside my own photography, I specialize in retouching, optimizing and targeting client images for color, design and multimedia presentation."
- - Gary G. Ballard

My extensive on-line TOP CREATIVE PORTFOLIOS demonstrate at a glance what I am able to do with a camera and scanner and Photoshop.

"I've optimized more than 100,000 images inside of Photoshop, and published tens of thousands of them on the Internet across thousands of HTML pages.
"Commercial design projects include books for print and PDF, DVD, posters, banners, wide-format inkjet and off-set printing.
"If you are looking for an experienced top American Photoshop production artist, made in America talent, please look through my portfolios and hire me."
- - Gary Ballard
I can also give you an expert second opinion on your color by opening your Photoshop file here and pre-flighting color on my hardware-calibrated monitors (please do not e-mail me images without pre-approval).
COLOR MANAGEMENT Work Flow Consulting

"Imagine being able to 'PROOF' your color accurately on your monitor AND then have your print match your monitor the first time...".
- - G. Ballard
GARY G. BALLARD is a well-known author who specializes in teaching BASIC COLOR MANAGEMENT THEORY and Epson-based printing work flows to creative professionals, including on-site consulting services.
I have outlined my own PROFESSIONAL APPROACHES TO WEB PUBLISHING based on my own proven imaging secrets of success.

SEE COLORMANAGEMENT IN ACTION Color Management Web tutorial
Includes on-line demonstrations of Tagged and UnTagged sRGB, AdobeRGB, AppleRGB Monitor calibrating and profiling tips, 2.2 gamma, 1.8 Mac gamma, D65 6500 kelvin this one tutorial is averaging over 9,000 views a month.

"If your printers or Web designers never seem to be able to get your color right or consistent, then they don't know what they're doing."
- - Gary G. Ballard
If your printer always seems to be printing another round of prints or if your Web designer never seems to get your color correct, then s/he doesn't understand the question well enough to provide you with a straight answer.
The issues boils down to having good device ICC profiles to "proof" your color, and Converting your color to those target profiles (or color spaces)....
The classic real-world example is the old-school print shop's clueless "color expert" who ignores our embedded profile, because he says, he has "turned color management off" and "doesn't use profiles."
He tells us our file is bad because his print is bad, and he will try to correct our bad color and print another round of proofs.
Does this sound familiar?
What the cave man actually did was strip our embedded file of its profile, and/or he Applied-Assumed-Assigned his own working space to our file then he takes a sledgehammer and beats our color up into his closed workflow (and he is probably working on an un-calibrated monitor and un-profiled printer to boot)....
Adobe® Photoshop® is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.